What I Do

I work with entrepreneurs, families, and individuals in a one-on-one financial advisory capacity. My clients and I review their financial histories and prepare a game plan for their goals for the next year. During this year, we review all aspects of their financial life, including debt, wills, investment strategies, retirement plans, insurance coverage, and real estate assets.

I’m completely independent. I don’t charge fees based on a percentage of my clients’ assets or receive commissions, nor do I accept referral fees. I usually charge a fixed annual fee. It is based on how often we expect to meet and for how long. I don’t charge for phone calls, email correspondence or additional meetings. The fee is the fee – I don’t want my clients to be worried about contacting me.

My clients describe me in many ways including their financial quarterback, personal CFO, holistic financial advisor, financial mentor, financial coach and sounding board.