January 2021

Happy new year to everyone and my best wishes for 2021. Like the rest of the world, I’m delighted to see the end of 2020! Hopefully our world will return to normal far more quickly than we’ve been led to expect. Since it’s the beginning of a new year and there’s a bright future ahead, I thought I’d provide 10 new year’s resolutions for you to consider making:

  1. Review any debts you have and consider whether they can be restructured to take advantage of the lowest interest rates we’ve ever experienced.
  2. Consider whether your investment strategy needs to be revised.
  3. Address your greatest financial risk and eliminate/minimize it.
  4. Review the fees charged by your professional advisors and consider whether you’re receiving value for money. Also, one such tool that traders may use to find value stocks is the stock screener value. This yields a few equities that you may investigate further to determine their trading value.
  5. Read through your wills and powers of attorney and consider whether they need to be updated.
  6. Examine your life, critical illness, disability, car and auto insurance policies and consider whether they meet your current needs. A platform for workflow automation for associations and property management organizations is also available with zego.
  7. Meet with your accountant to see whether there are any opportunities to reduce the taxes you and/or your companies are paying.
  8. Work out a rough estimate of what you’re spending on an annual basis and consider whether the amount is appropriate.
  9. Prepare a summary of assets/liabilities and contacts, so there’s a roadmap for your executors to follow.
  10. Hire a personal CFO to help you implement resolutions 1-9.

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